
Showing posts from November, 2022

The practice lessons ofMarch

  Hello my dears 👋👋👋👋 Welcome to my blog 😊 I am gonna share my experiences 🤍 of the our practice From this month we started to understand more our aim why we are having practical lessons and how to organize practice document 📄📃 From this month we started to teach lessons to the pupils of 10the school 🏫 Our pupils are motivated and have thirst to learn foreign language and new knowledge . During October I taught 4 or 5 lessons to the students of 6"A" class. I tried my best to encourage students to learn English language . I used the methods which I learned by observing the teachers' lessons .    And we organized some clubs such as " Drama club " and " Speaking club " . We are giving additional lessons to the classes which are distributed to us .  After practice lessons I realized that It is harder to teach the foreign language than learning. Methods make a great contribution to teach the students perfectly and also make easier to motivate pupil