The practice lessons ofMarch

 Hello my dears πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

Welcome to my blog 😊

I am gonna share my experiences 🀍 of the our practice

From this month we started to understand more our aim why we are having practical lessons and how to organize practice document πŸ“„πŸ“ƒ

From this month we started to teach lessons to the pupils of 10the school 🏫

Our pupils are motivated and have thirst to learn foreign language and new knowledge .

During October I taught 4 or 5 lessons to the students of 6"A" class.

I tried my best to encourage students to learn English language . I used the methods which I learned by observing the teachers' lessons .   

And we organized some clubs such as " Drama club " and " Speaking club " . We are giving additional lessons to the classes which are distributed to us . 

After practice lessons I realized that It is harder to teach the foreign language than learning. Methods make a great contribution to teach the students perfectly and also make easier to motivate pupils to learn foreign language.  We learned several games related to the lessons . It makes easier to explain the theme and to teach new vocabulary. 

     The teachers of the school 🏫 are very kind and always ready to stretch out helping hand ☺️


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