
The practice lessons

 Hello my followers Welcome to my blog  How are you 💓😊  I'm great to see you here again  I am going to share experiences of third weeks of practice lessons in May. In 5 days in a week we went to the schools which were located in our regions . I learned a lot of methods and techniques while observing lessons. There are a lot of professional, hard-working teachers at school.  As usual we prepared practice documents and observed lessons during the week . There are a lot of review lessons and exams at school. Because this month is the end of academic term.  During the practice lessons I learned mostly how to conduct revision lessons and how to take and prepare exams  and I helped teachers to prepare exam questions and check students work. I also taught students review lessons several times. I used several techniques methods and interesting games and activities during my lessons in order to make the lesson more interactive and interesting. We managed to prepare our all documents  We o

The fourth week of April month

 Hello 👋🤗🤗🤗 Welcome to my blog how are you? I am ready to share experiences with you This week had been much more informative and entertaining Our group 1XTA-21 conducted a party which was dedicated to Shekspeare's birthday We had great experiences related to this party  We conducted Shekspearean quiz  Our practice teachers Zakira Tolibovna and Gulnoza Urunova and our groupmates organized this party Unfortunately It was the last part we have ever had I think you will enjoy!!! 👋 Good bye 

The third week of April

Hello 👋👋🤗🤗 How are you? How is it going today I am going to inform you about practice lessons of this week !!! I am very satisfied with this week experiences because ☺️  I learned a wide range of activities and games and several methods by observing lessons . I learned their new methods and experiences  This week was very informative and enjoyable

The second week of April

  Hello my followers 👋👋👋 How are you? How is it going today? I am going to inform you about the second week of April month practice lessons We continued to prepare our practice documents and to observe English lessons by professional English teachers. Most of my coursmates gave independent lessons and gained great experiences. By observing their lessons I tried to learn from their mistakes and achievements !!!

The first week of April

  Hello my dears Welcome to my blog How ere you ? How is it going today ? We continued our practice lessons  during this week .  I prepared several practice documents and observed lessons during this week. Some of my coursmates taught students, they gave independent lessons  I am very satisfied with the practice lessons of this week!!!

Khoja Mukhammad Orif Revgari

 Khoja Mukhammad Orif ar-Revgari Hello everyone 🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️ How are you?🙃🙃🙃 As usual, I am going to tell you my impressions. And, are you ready for listening to my impressions. Let's start!😇😇😇😇 Five days ago, my mother took her students to visit 7 pirs. I also went with them. The trip was very wonderful and memorable. Bahauddin Naqshband is one of the spiritual teachers. He is known by the title "Qutbul avliya" (leader of the saints). He studied Sufism from Abdukholiq Gijduvani. He wrote the treatise "Arifnama" discussing the main aspects and theoretical issues of Sufism. In it, special attention is paid to the tawba status of Sufism .The temple of Hazrat was renovated, a mosque with a capacity of 500 worshippers, an ablution room, a museum, a minaret, porches, a gate and a "Poykent" with 80 seats were built. the ceremony was held.  All in all, Our trip passed very amazingly 😌😌. I recommend you to visit this place🤗🤗. Good bye✋✋ See you soon

Bakhouddin Naqshband

 Hello my dears Welcome to my blog  Ensemble of Naqshbandi near Bukhara The Memorial Complex of Khoja Bakhouddin Naqshbandi is one of the most important Muslim shrines. Every self-respecting Muslim knows and reveres this name. The great theologian of the XIV century, founder of the Sufi Order "Naqshbandia" was buried 12 km from Bukhara in his native village of Kasri Orifon. Some time ago there was the pagan temple of the site of current tomb of Naqshbandi . Naqshbandi was the spiritual teacher of Amir Temur and made hajj to Mekka 32 times. He appealed people to be modest and rejected the luxury. His philosophy was based on the principle: "Dil ba joru, dast ba kor" ("The heart - with the God, hands at work").  The Mausoleum of Saint Bakhouddin Naqshbandi is considered as the Central Asian Mekka. Believers from different muslim countries come here to ask for the fulfilment of wishes and healing. The complex also includes the museum, which keeps the true info

Khazrat Sayyid Amir Kulol

 Hello my dears  Welcome to my blog How are you 💞😊 how is going today  I am here to share my great experiences with you 💓  Sayid Amir Kulal was born in 1281 in the village of Sukhor (now the village of Yangikhet) in the Kagan region, in the village of hereditary potters According to legend, he was tall and broad in shoulders. Penetrating eyes peered out from under furrowed brows. His skin was tan. His face was framed by a gray beard. He was very humble and gentle in manner. He was far from objection and stubbornness. Thanks to wrestling in his youth, he had a large physique, and was physically developed As for spirituality, there was no person who would doubt his righteousness, because he behaved like an enlightened one who absorbed all the best that Sharia, Tariqa and Marifat contain  During his spiritual and educational activities, Sayyid Amir Kulol prepared hundreds of students, including Khoja Bahauddin Nakshband, Mavlono Arif Deggaroniy, Khoja Jamol Dehai, Haja Darzuniy, Shamsu

Khoja Abduxoliq Gijduvani

Hello  Welcome to my blog I am ready to share my great experiences with you 💗💗💗 Today we visited one of seven pyrs in ancient Bukhara   Abdul Khaliq Ghijduvani (died 1179) was one of a group of Central Asian Sufi teachers known simply as Khwajagan (the Masters) of the Naqshbandi order. Abdul Khaliq was born in the small town of Ghijduvan, near Bukhara. His father had migrated to Central Asia from Malatya, in eastern Anatolia where he had been a prominent faqih. While Abdul Khaliq was studying tafsir in Bukhara he first had an awakening of interest in the path. He received further training at the hands of Yusuf Hamdani, and was the next link in the Naqshbandi silsila following him. The way Abdul Khaliq taught became known as the way of the Khojas - teachers 

Khoja Ali Romitani

 Hello my dears Welcome to my blog  How are you ? How is it going today ? I am ready to share my great experiences with you 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 Hajj Ali Ramitani is one of the famous spiritual authorities of the Sufi school Hadzhagana. He was the greatest master of wisdom, possessing high spiritual qualities and pronounced charisma. People nicknamedhim as “Azizon” (“venerable sheikh”). He was born in 1195. He lived in the village of Kurgon (now Romitan district of Bukhara region) and died in 1321 in Khorezm at the age of 126 years. Later, the remains of the sheikh were transferred to his homeland. Khoja Ali Ramitani perfectly mastered the weaver’s craft Sheikh Ali Ramitani had many statements. One of his most popular one is following: “Watch yourself during two kinds of actions – when you say and when you eat.” Hajj had a long life. Before his death, he instructed his youngest son Hajj Ibrahim to continue his teaching He was considered the fourth pir of the seven holy pirs of Bukhara.

The Modary Khan Madrasah

  Hello my dear 💓 How are you ? How is it going ? I am ready to share my great experiences with you. Today I am going to tell you about our trip to Modary Khan Madrasah. There were Kosh Madrasah . They are Abdullah Khan Madrasah and Modary Khan Madrasah I  highly recommend you to visit there and While visiting there you will be in harmony with history and you can enjoy the national products of craftsmen and you can observe the process!!! I hope you will also enjoy from your trip

The Abdullaziz Khan Madrasah

Hello my dear 👋👋👋👋👋🤗 Welcome to my blog I am ready to share my great experiences with you 😍 Today we also visited one of the famous madrasas in the Old city , called Abdullaziz Khan Madrasah Nowadays there are a great collection of craftsmen' productions which tourists can buy them  I 'm very satisfied with this trip and I recommend you to visit there

The amazing trip to Ulug'bek Madrasah

Hello my dear Welcome to my blog I am ready to share experiences with you 🥰💞 Today we started our practice lessons around Bukhara city. We started our practice lesson to make a trip to Ulug'bek Madrasah in the Old city I have visited there many times but I have never paid attention to the Madrasah Even I didn't know It's a Madrasah  I really appreciate the architectural structure of the Madrasah It was one of the most amazing trips I have ever had .





The practice lessons ofMarch

  Hello my dears 👋👋👋👋 Welcome to my blog 😊 I am gonna share my experiences 🤍 of the our practice From this month we started to understand more our aim why we are having practical lessons and how to organize practice document 📄📃 From this month we started to teach lessons to the pupils of 10the school 🏫 Our pupils are motivated and have thirst to learn foreign language and new knowledge . During October I taught 4 or 5 lessons to the students of 6"A" class. I tried my best to encourage students to learn English language . I used the methods which I learned by observing the teachers' lessons .    And we organized some clubs such as " Drama club " and " Speaking club " . We are giving additional lessons to the classes which are distributed to us .  After practice lessons I realized that It is harder to teach the foreign language than learning. Methods make a great contribution to teach the students perfectly and also make easier to motivate pupil