The practice lessons

 Hello my followers Welcome to my blog 

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I am going to share experiences of third weeks of practice lessons in May. In 5 days in a week we went to the schools which were located in our regions . I learned a lot of methods and techniques while observing lessons. There are a lot of professional, hard-working teachers at school. 

As usual we prepared practice documents and observed lessons during the week .

There are a lot of review lessons and exams at school. Because this month is the end of academic term. 

During the practice lessons I learned mostly how to conduct revision lessons and how to take and prepare exams  and I helped teachers to prepare exam questions and check students work.

I also taught students review lessons several times. I used several techniques methods and interesting games and activities during my lessons in order to make the lesson more interactive and interesting.

We managed to prepare our all documents 

We organized and revised all things which we learned during practical lessons
We had great experiences and memories related to practice lessons.


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